Bio Questions 

This is to give you an idea of what I'd like to know about you (and therefore what I assume others would like to know about you as well).
You can take it as a guideline and write your own bio, or you can answer the questions and I'll do it for you.
Copy and paste the questions into an e-mail, or just number your answers, and e-mail to:
writergal @

1. What kind of books do you like to read?

2. Why do you like that kind of books?

3. Who are your favorite authors?

4. What are some of your other interests besides reading?

5. What do you do for a living?

6. Tell us a few interesting things about yourself.

7. Tell us a bit about your family/pets.

8. Why did you choose this nickname?

9. If you have an online diary and/or booklist or book review site you'd like to promote, please give the links.

Any ideas or suggestions are welcome!